Floating aquatic waste from the fishing industry

“The ocean is still the largest rubbish bin (dump) in modern societies today, and sea users are well aware of this. Indeed, it is becoming increasingly common to find floating marine litter (FML) along our coasts. 3 years of investigations carried out by LEMA vessels

LIFE LEMA Technical Synthesis Report is already available!

During the project, Life Lema partners have been working together to develop different technologies and methodologies to better understand the issue of Marine Litter. If you are interested on the project´s technical information, here you have our report. Links to download the final technical report

LifeLEMA arrives to Hawaii!

The past 17th of September we received incredible news: One of our little ships had arrived to Hawaii! This wooden ships were first made and then left on the sea with the aim of involving the society for several reasons. Firstly, the manufacturing of the

We have already finished the 2019 OSPAR campaign!

Last october we finished the 2019 OSPAR campaign with great results. During this campaign, data has been gathered and a tracing has been done of all the collections in 3 different Guipuzcoan beaches in Mutriku (Burumendi), Zumaia (Inpernupe) and Donostia (Murgita). These results have been

Some new wooden boats have been launched

Here is a special news dedicated to the latest campaign of our partners from AZTI. North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre During the RADPROF campaign of the IEO, carried out in August, 120 wooden boats have been launched in the waters of the Galicia Bank and in


The last Newsletter, Newsletter number 6, is now available. It addresses the international prospects of LifeLEMA and how it contributed to the Ocean Pavilion and Ocean talks during the G7 in Biarritz, France. We would like to thank everybody for their contribution to our project.

Last little boats updates

As usual, we would like to update you with our latest wooden boats’ discoveries.  Ever since one of our boats ended up in the Canary Islands, we have been convinced that our project’s purposes are even bigger than expected.  Here are some pictures of the

About our project

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